seed tech school
- Art Direction
- Logo Design
- Web Design
- Web Planning
「英語」と「IT」スキルを学ぶ機会を創出するSeed Tech Schoolのロゴデザイン、ビジュアル策定を行いました。
自分自身を組み立てるために必要なSeed Tech Schoolということで、「Sのモチーフを組み立てて箱を作ることができる」をアイデアに、事業との関連性を込めてデザインしています。
スクリーン リーダーのサポートを有効にする
Seed Tech School provides the opportunity for students to learn both English and IT skills, I designed their logotype and the visuals on their website.
To study programming in English while abroad means that a student has a to have a high level of determination to develop their skills.
With this kind of self-determination in mind, I got the idea of a "self-made man", and created the logo as an "S" (for Seed Tech) that constructs itself into a box, representing business.
Logo Design
Photo Direction