i holder
- Art Direction
- Brand Planning
- Copywriting
- Graphic Design
- Logo Design
- Motion Direction
- Photo Direction
- Product Design
金属加工のプロフェッショナルとなるパートナーや職人と共に、一年の時間をかけて何度もトライアンドエラーを繰り返し、安定性や機能性、デザイン性をどのようにバランス良く組み入れられるかを試作してきました。 真鍮の特性を活かしたカラーも限定で制作し、多くの方々に利用していただける様にパッケージデザインまで細部にこだわりデザイン・アートディレクションしています。
Together with our partners and craftsmen who are metalworking professionals, we have spent a year repeating trial and error over and over again, making prototypes to see how we could incorporate stability, functionality, and design in a well-balanced manner. We have also produced a limited number of colors that take advantage of the characteristics of brass, and we have designed and art-directed every detail of the packaging design so that it can be used by a large number of people.
Product Design
Package Design
Brand Movie